Logo Service: Game Logo: Gaming Club

Logo Service: Game Logo: Minimalist: Gaming Club

Logo Service: Game Logo: Minimalist: Gaming Club

Buyer Instructions:

Logo name: "Gaming club"

Logo description: A logo for youtube gaming channel. The logo should be simple. It should have a little image of joystick next to or above the title.It should also have a little effect on the title, like a little crown on the letter "I" in the word "Gaming" ; or the first letter should be bigger than others, something like that . But still simple.

Slogan: Don't have.

Idea: I think it represent that gaming is modern and cool.

Color: Grey background ; white tittle and little white image. Of course you can use your own perspectives on colors too.

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Isma Agung
Hi all, I have over 4 years of experience in designing logos, icons, and other graphics. Apart from graphic designing, I am very much experienced in SEO, Website development and IM :). So contact me, if I can help you out.